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September 23, 2018: The Devens, MA Monthly Coin Show

rr2018 09devens

It was a crisp, looking-forward-to-fall 48 degrees here in New England on Sunday morning as we headed out to this latest installment of our local show.

And while we’ve been here many times before, the reality is that just never know what to expect.  Big crowds?  Maybe.  Some cool new coins on the floor?  Sometimes.  Interesting material that walks up to the table during the day?  Could happen.

But did it?

Well, in some ways, as your author snagged an unexpected (and unexpectedly cool) Libertas Americana Token on the floor, along with some of our requisite old holdered type.

And we did sell a few cool coins at a slightly higher price points than one might expect at the local level.

But while some interesting coins did walk up to the table, they were all in the raw but ‘not-quite-wholesome’ category.  Close though, including a pretty decent 1797 Draped Bust Dollar that might have been worth a flyer.

With the potential for one more follow-up deal as another local dealer told us about a rattler collection he just acquired, the kind of inside tip you can only get if you show up here in person.

All contributing to making this another fine event well worth attending for Team CRO.