Updated: September 19th 5:59PM ET
(800) Coins-99:  7AM - 11PM ET EVERY DAY
1838 mg04477 1838 mg04477r

Low-55, HT-63 variety.

One of our favorite Hard Times Tokens, this bearing an obverse design similar to the Matron Head Large Cent, but with the seemingly bizarro ‘LOCO FOCO’ (nickname for the Democratic Party) on Lady Liberty’s headband.

The reverse legends BENTON EXPERIMENT and MINT DROP reference then Senator Thomas Hart Benton’s staunch advocacy for hard currency.

The piece itself is a charming and problem-free chocolate brown.


To order or inquire about this item, call us at 1-800-Coins-99 or email us at John@CoinRaritiesOnline.com or complete the form at the bottom of this page.

1838 mg04477s