1652 Oak Tree 6p Noe-16, Rarity-5 XF45 [PCGS Gold Shield] $12,750
1652 Pine Tree 3p Noe-36, Rarity-4 XF45 [PCGS Gold Shield] $6,750
1652 Pine Tree Shilling Straight Tree, Noe-2 AU53 [PCGS Edge View] $12,750
1652 Pine Tree Shilling Small Planchet, Noe-29 VF35 [PCGS Gold Shield] $7,975
American Plantation Token HB REX, Ex Parsons-Ford MS62 [PCGS] $25,000
(Ca. 1659) Maryland 6p MVLTILICAMINI Error AU55 [PCGS Gold Shield] $49,750
(Ca. 1659) Maryland Shilling Among the Finest Known AU58 [PCGS Edge View] $55,000
1723 Rosa Americana 1p AU50 [PCGS] HOLD
1722 Hibernia ½p Rocks Right, Martin 1.1-A.1 AU50 [NGC] $18,500
1723 Hibernia ¼d DEI.GRATIA Type MS63 RB [PCGS] $2,250
1723 Hibernia ¼d The Ford Specimen MS65 [PCGS] $17,500
1658-A French Colonies 1S Among the Finest Known MS62 [PCGS Edge View] $8,500
1722-H French Colonies 9D W-11840 Variety VF20 [PCGS Gold Shield] $650
The CRO Hat Collect Them All! Free*
1779 Rhode Island Ship Token Pewter, with Wreath MS64 [PCGS] $42,500
1787 Immunis Columbia The Gilbert Steinberg Coin AU53 [PCGS Gold Shield] $9,750
1787 Nova Eborac Figure Seated Left MS62+BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $8,975
1788 Massachusetts ½¢ Ryder 1-B Variety MS64 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $6,975
1786 Connecticut Copper Broad Shouldered, Miller 2.2-D.2 F15 [PCGS Gold Shield] $10,500
1787 Connecticut Copper Horned Bust, Miller 4-L AU55 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1787 Connecticut Copper Miller 33.8-Z.13, Rarity-5 VF35 [PCGS Gold Shield] $595
1787 Connecticut Copper Mint State Skeleton Hand MS63 [PCGS Gold Shield] $7,500
1788 Connecticut Copper Mailed Bust Right, Miller 4.1-K MS61 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1788 Connecticut Copper Vlack 13-88CT, Rarity-5- AU58 [PCGS Gold Shield] $14,975
1786 Vermont Copper Ex Q. David Bowers XF45 [PCGS Gold Shield] $9,750
1786 Vermont Copper Baby Head, Ryder-9 F15 [PCGS Gold Shield] $5,975
1788 Vermont Copper Bust Right, Ryder-20 XF40 [PCGS Gold Shield] $2,975
1786 New Jersey Copper Finest Known Maris 24-p MS64+ BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $45,000
1787 New Jersey Copper Small Head, Maris 38-c AU50 [NGC] $3,975
1788 New Jersey Copper Finest Known Running Fox MS64+ BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $107,500
(1795) Washington 1P Liberty & Security MS64 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $4,975
WA Before Boston Medal Original Striking, Baker-47B SP63 [PCGS Gold Shield] $47,500
1805 Eccleston Medal Baker-85 Variety MS63 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $3,500
1787 Fugio 1¢ FUCIO, Newman 2-C XF45 [PCGS Gold Shield] $37,500
1787 Fugio 1¢ UNITED STATES, Newman 8-B MS65 RB [PCGS Gold Shield] $21,500
1787 Fugio 1¢ Newman 11-X, Rarity-3 MS64 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $7,500
1787 Fugio 1¢ Newman 13-X, Rarity-3 MS65 RB [PCGS Gold Shield] $20,500
1787 Fugio Copper 8-Pointed Stars XF45 [PCGS Edge View] $4,975
1794 Liberty Cap ½¢ VF35 [PCGS] HOLD
1804 Draped Bust ½¢ Crosslet 4, No Stems Type VF25 [PCGS Edge View] $395
1833 Classic Head ½¢ MS65 BN [PCGS OGH] $3,650
1835 Classic Head ½¢ MS64 BN [PCGS Rattler] $2,350
1816 Matron Head 1¢ MS64 BN [PCGS Rattler] $3,750
1818 Matron Head 1¢ MS63 RB [PCGS Rattler] $2,750
1851 Braided Hair 1¢ AU58 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1863 Indian Head 1¢ MS65 [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,750
1864 Indian Head 1¢ L on Ribbon MS63 RD [PCGS Rattler] $2,150
1909 VDB Lincoln 1¢ MS67 RD [PCGS OGH] $2,500
1861 3¢ Silver MS64 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1885 3¢ Nickel CAC Gold Sticker PF66 [PCGS Rattler] $2,175
1890 Liberty 5c PF65 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1891 Liberty 5¢ CAC Gold Sticker PF65 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1892 Liberty 5¢ PF62 [PCGS OGH] $295
1914-S Buffalo 5¢ Ultraviolet MS63 [PCGS OGH] $750
1858 Liberty Seated H10¢ RPD FS-301 Variety MS65 [PCGS OGH] $12,975
1861 Liberty Seated H10¢ AU58 [PCGS Edge View] HOLD
1835 Capped Bust 10¢ JR-1 Variety AU58 [PCGS Edge View] HOLD
1835 Capped Bust 10¢ JR-3 Variety AU58 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1836 Capped Bust 10¢ JR-1 Variety AU58 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1914 Barber 10¢ CAC Gold Sticker PF64 [NGC Fatty] $1,550
1806 Draped Bust 25¢ Browning-4, Rarity-4 VF25 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1818 Capped Bust 25¢ Browning-2 Variety XF40 [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,750
1822 Capped Bust 25¢ Browning-1 Variety VG08 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1834 Capped Bust 25¢ AU58 [PCGS Edge View] $2,850
1834 Capped Bust 25¢ EF40 [ANACS White] $695
1853 Liberty Seated 25¢ Arrows & Rays AU55 [CACG] HOLD
1864-S Liberty Seated 25¢ XF40 [PCGS Edge View] HOLD
1891 Liberty Seated 25¢ MS64 [PCGS] HOLD
1930 Standing Liberty 25¢ AU58 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1932 Washington 25¢ MS64 [NGC] $295
1958-D Washington 25¢ MS67+ [CACG] $575
1806 Draped Bust 50¢ Pointed 6, No Stem AU50 [PCGS Edge View] HOLD
1814 Capped Bust 50¢ O-105a Single Leaf Variety VF35 [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,595
1827 Capped Bust 50¢ MS62 [PCGS OGH] $2,975
1829 Capped Bust 50¢ O.112 Variety MS62 [PCGS] $2,250
1830 Capped Bust 50¢ Large 0, O-123 AU58 [PCGS] $1,975
1858 Liberty Seated 50¢ WB-45 Variety MS65 [PCGS OGH] $5,975
1916 Walking Liberty 50¢ MS64 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1963 Franklin 50¢ Obv Die Clash FS-402 MS65+ [PCGS Gold Shield] SOLD
1799 Draped Bust $1 BB-168, Rarity-5 VF25 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1801 Draped Bust $1 B-4, BB-214, Rarity-4 AU58 [PCGS OGH] SOLD
1802/1 Draped Bust $1 B-9, BB-235, Rarity-5 XF45 [NGC] SOLD
1842 Liberty Seated $1 MS63 [CACG] HOLD
1842 Liberty Seated $1 AU55 [CACG] HOLD
1863 Liberty Seated $1 MS64 [PCGS Edge View] SOLD
1871 Liberty Seated $1 AU55+ [CACG] $2,850
1879-S Morgan $1 MS64 [NGC Fatty] $2,350
1889-CC Morgan $1 Got Color? AU58+ [PCGS Gold Shield] $28,500
1899-O Morgan $1 MS64 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1903-O Morgan $1 MS65 [NGC White] $2,150
1821 Fat Head $5 BD-1, High Rarity-6 MS63 [PCGS Gold Shield] $420,000
1852 Liberty Head $5 CAC Gold Sticker AU50 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1909-D Indian Head $5 MS63 [PCGS Edge View] SOLD
1863 Liberty Head P$10 Judd-532, ex-Bass PF64 BN [PCGS] $5,975
1932 Indian $10 CAC Gold Sticker MS61 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1851-O Liberty Head $20 XF45 [PCGS OGH] $6,975
1854 Liberty Head $20 Small Date MS61 [PCGS Gold Label] $11,650
1924 St. Gaudens $20 MS63 [PCGS Rattler] HOLD
1924 St. Gaudens $20 MS62 [PCGS OGH] SOLD
1927 St. Gaudens $20 MS62 [PCGS Rattler] SOLD
1852 Assay $50 .900 Thous, K-14 MS61 [PCGS Gold Shield] $195,000
1976 Bicentennial Medal The Q. David Bowers Specimen MS65 [NGC] $59,500
1925 Stone Mountain 50¢ MS66 [PCGS OGH] $975
1936 Delaware 50¢ MS63 [PCGS Rattler] $295
1936 York 50¢ MS66 [PCGS] $350
1937 Antietam 50¢ MS64 [PCGS Rattler] $1,150
1938 New Rochelle 50¢ MS66 [NGC Fatty] $650
1947 BTW 50¢ MS65 [PCGS OGH] $250
1883 Hawaii 10¢ Kalakaua I Type VF35 [NGC] $795
(Ca. 1474-1504) Spain 1R Ferdinand & Isabella Type AU50 [PCGS] $1,250
1751-P q Bolivia Cob 8R Ferdinand VI Type AU50 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1768-Mo MF Mexico 8R Charles IIII Type XF40 [PCGS Gold Shield] $975
1808-L JP Peru 2R Charles IIII Type F12 [NGC] HOLD
1819-NR FJ Colombia 2R Charles IIII / Ferdinand VII Type XF45 [PCGS Gold Shield] $795
1794-NR JJ Colombia 8E Charles IIII Type XF45 [NGC] $2,975
1826-RA Argentina 2S KM-18 Variety AU53 [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,975
1776-R Brazil 6400R Jose I Type AU58 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
1937 Canada 10¢ 3-Coin Set #1 MS64 [ANACS]
1937 Canada 25¢ 3-Coin Set #2 MS64 [ANACS] SOLD
1937 Canada 50¢ 3-Coin Set #3 MS64 [ANACS]
1824-NG M C.A.R. 8R KM-4 Variety AU58 [PCGS Gold Shield] $2,375
1933-So Chile 1P MS67+ [PCGS Gold Shield] $750
1915 Cuba 10c KM-A12 Variety MS64 [PCGS OGH] $650
(1616-80) Germany Rechenpfg Vomiting Dog AU53 [PCGS] $675
1732-IAB Wildman 4Mgr MS64 [PCGS Gold Shield] $850
1747-IBH Wildman 24MG AU58 [NGC] $650
1731 Great Britain Shilling George II Type MS64 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
1587 Skeleton Token V. Loon-I-373/379 Variety AU58 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
(Ca. 1625-72) Skull Token Neumann-31695 Variety AU53 [NGC] HOLD
(Ca. 1790s) End of Pain ¼d D&H-1110 Variety MS64 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,495
1790s End of Pain ½D D&H-830a Variety MS63 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $2,500
End of Pain ½D D&H-831A Variety MS65 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $2,975
End of Pain ½p D&H-831A Variety MS63 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,975
1793 End of Pain ½D D&H-834 Variety MS64 BN [NGC] $2,350
1895-Mo AM Mexico 8R MS62 [NGC] HOLD
1966-Mo Mexico 1P MS67 [PCGS Gold Shield] $150
1793 Netherlands Gulden West Friesland Province AU58+ [PCGS Gold Shield] $395
1786 Netherlands ½D West Friesland Province AU58+ [PCGS Gold Shield] $975
1962 Panama ½B MS65 [PCGS Gold Shield] $295
1884 Peru Medal MS64 RB [NGC] $650
1864/3 Peru Medal MS64 [PCGS Gold Shield] $750
1901 Prussia 2M 200 Years MS63 [PCGS OGH] HOLD
(Ca. 1820) World Map Medal Eimer-1139A, Copper SP66 [PCGS Gold Shield] HOLD
St. Bavon de Gand Medal Ross-M18 Variety SP63 [PCGS Gold Shield] $495
Burgos Cathedral Medal Ross-M282 Variety SP64 [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,350
Cathedral at Speyer Medal Ross-M236 Variety SP64 [PCGS Gold Shield] $650
The Walhalla Medal Ross-M222 Variety SP64 [PCGS Gold Shield] $775
St. Peter & St. Paul Medal Edlitz-1129, by Anthony Pacquet MS64 [NGC] $2,750
1869 Papal States Medal St. Peter's Basilica / Pope Pius IX MS63 BN [NGC] $1,595
1838 Loco Foco Token The Reddest Seen AU58 [PCGS Gold Shield] $1,150
1876 Libertas Token Rulau Pa-Ph 234 Variety MS65 [PCGS Gold Shield] $650
1876 Libertas Token Rulau Pa-Ph 220B Variety MS65 BN [PCGS Gold Shield] $650