November 30, 2022: CRO’s ‘November by the Numbers’
We are delighted to numerically summarize the month of November (or Novembuh, as we say here in Massachusetts) right now:
None: Airplanes boarded this month, and thus a welcome respite from the non-stop travel we usually do during the year. We still enjoy that, but it is nice to have some continuous time here at home for a while.
Just one: Coin shows attended – a local one out in Devens reachable by wheeled conveyance.
60: Total cost for us in dollars to set up that show. Seems like a good deal to me.
Also 60: Diameter in mm of each of the 6 Jacques Wiener Architectural Medals we acquired there.
Two: EBs sent out this month.
102, of course: Coins listed on them, since every one always contains exactly 51, which still does not prevent people from continuing to comment to me that a given EB is either “longer” or “shorter” than usual(?).
38.2%: Portion of those coins that were from the 18th century or older(!). Even to me – the guy who assembled those lists – that seems like a shockingly high %.
Ca. 1526-1544: Date of the single oldest EB coin.
VIII: Regnal number of the Monarch pictured on it (as in Henry VIII):
MS67: Highest graded coin we sold this month (privately).
G06: Lowest graded coin we sold (though as vociferously expressed in the website description of this item, we would have called it ~VF30).
Only 1: Known population of the rarest coin we sold. Making this now 6 unique coins we have sold through the years.
8.5 Hours: Time we spent curling this month (the kind you do on ice).
About 42 Pounds: Weight of a curling stone.
6 Long Years: Wait list duration for us at the local curling club before we were finally able to join early this fall.
Probably one more: Planned EBs for the rest of the year. So you might want to keep an eye out for that . . .