See us at the ANA National Money Show in Atlanta, February 27-March 1, Table #616

Updated: February 28th 8:37PM ET
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March 13, 2018: Stream of Coin-sciousness


Just back from a surprisingly active ANA show in Irving and yet another illustration that we never really know what we’ll find in our travels, what new coins we’ll sell, or customers we’ll meet, which is why we pretty much have to be everywhere all the time lest we miss something good.

Which explains why we have just added an additional event to the CRO 2018 schedule, namely the PCGS Members Only Show in New Orleans in May.

Where we’ll grade a bunch of coins, hope to sell some cool stuff and maybe find more eclectic CRO-style NEWPs like these recently acquired pieces:

Of course with all of these shows, finding time to do our EBs is a bit of a challenge – and since one of the most frequent questions we get is “When is your next Early Bird?” we figured we’d address it here:

The schedule is always posted on our site in advance, both on the header message board and in the home page article section.

In general, we do one on the Tuesday after most (but not all) major shows, depending on a few factors:

  • If we have enough new coins (never an issue)
  • If all those new coins are back from grading or CAC (sometimes an issue)
  • If we have them all photographed (hey, time is sometimes tight)
  • If we can physically write the EB email and descriptions (ditto)
  • If we are traveling right after and thus won’t be around to receive payments and ship coins (occasionally an issue)
  • If there is a blizzard and thus a possibility we will have a power outage right when we are hitting send (an issue today)

Anyway, based on all of that our next EB is scheduled for March 27 right after the Baltimore show. In the meantime, give us a ring if you are looking for anything specific, and watch the site since we’ll put a few things up in the interim.

Movement from Coin Rarities Online to CRO continues apace, with our CoinWorld ads changed as of January 1 and the new batch of invoices that just arrived in the office:

And now we’re focused on finalizing our 2017 taxes by Monday so we can then dive into Baltimore show preparations which will be important, since all indications are that this event is going to be epic.