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June 26, 2017: The Devens, MA Monthly Coin Show

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I’d like to begin today by giving kudos to my hard-working New England coin dealer brethren, many of whom worked a full day at the Whitman Coin Expo in Baltimore on Saturday, got home late at night and then were up and out first thing Sunday morning to drive – in some cases as long as 3 hours – to be here in Devens for our local monthly show.

But there they all were, set up and ready for business, smiling even, eeeaaaarly on Sunday. With the only explanation being that we all like doing this, and probably would be here anyway if we weren’t dealers.

So of course we were pleased to see that the crowds came out too, with about the best attendance I’ve seen at one of these shows, with collectors stopping by the table and filling the aisles for nearly the entire day.

Buying a few coins, and selling me a couple of others which I added to my stash of neat coins found in familiar and unfamiliar dealer cases. Like this charming pair:

Followed by a few late purchases and memo deals coming and going with other dealers, before my daughter and I packed up and headed out at about 1:30 so I could finally get some rest this afternoon.

But not for very long, since it now appears that, barring some last second snafu, our images will be on track for an Early Bird this Tuesday and I’ll need to dive straight into that this evening.