Updated: March 10th 10:52PM ET
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February 27, 2022: The Devens, MA Monthly Show


In the spirit of shoe-horning as much coin business as possible into each and every week, Team CRO was off to our local show on Sunday where frankly expectations were even higher than usual.

How come?  No reason beyond the fact that business has been humming along at approximately 42,000 mph and we figured this show would not be any different.

And I am delighted to say that we were correct, with a robust and active crowd right from the outset and brisk sales in all categories, from bullion to US type to assorted world coins, all in a variety of price points from $300 to well into the five figures.

Buying was tougher here though, as we managed to come home with only a couple of OGH type coins that will eventually find their way to CAC when their recently announced backlog is over.  In the meantime we’ll just park them in the bank.

We also worked on some potential future deals here with a number of different collectors and dealers in the room, which is the sort of thing that happens at most every show and makes then especially useful for us.  Pretty sure at least some of those are going to come to fruition in the near term, maybe as soon as today.

And then at about 1 PM the room thinned out and we headed out after an entertaining and successful day in Devens, returning just in time to dive into coin photography mode for Tuesday’s EB.