See us at the ANA National Money Show in Atlanta, February 27-March 1, Table #616

Updated: February 4th 8:10PM ET
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February 23, 2020: The Devens, MA Monthly Coin Show

rr2019 02devens

While we feared our flight home from SoCal might be delayed and thus disrupt our plan to attend the Devens show, those fears were unfounded.  In fact, we landed in Boston ahead of schedule at 4:57 AM, giving us plenty of time to head home, have a proper breakfast, recharge, reload and get to Devens about 30 minutes earlier than we usually do.

Time we used very well to then vacuum up an extremely surprising 20 coins here, about a dozen from one western Massachusetts dealer we had never seen here before.

Including some nice, original type coins, our requisite old holders, a fantastic early large cent and one wicked world gold coin we’d never have expected to find here.

Giving us even more ammo to send out for photography, and to CAC, and to grading this week.

Followed by a few sales, one medium-sized trade and some excellent schmoozing with some long time local customers.  One of whom presented us with this placemat-sized collage of his well chosen, old toned, nicely-matched Mass silver collection (quite a few of which are ex-CRO):


How cool is that?  Very.

But despite the good times and more than likely good business still to be done, by noon we were out of gas, so we packed up and headed home so we could kick back, relax and focus on some non-numismatic stuff for a bit. Actually that last part is completely false, since of course the HA LB internet session will be starting at 3 PM local time, and your author will of course be relaxing but also poised at the keyboard when it does.

But not before we say that this turned out to be another excellent event, very well attended, with plenty of buying and selling in the room and a couple of other deals still pending at the time we left which might yet settle by phone or email this coming week while we’re in Atlanta at the ANA show.

From where our next RR will be posted in just a couple of short days.

The End