Updated: March 9th 9:40AM ET
(800) Coins-99:  7AM-11PM ET EVERY DAY


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March 1-2, 2006: Palm Beach Show

I hope no one has been waiting for a long and exuberant write up about the Palm Beach Show in which phrases like ‘white-hot market’ and ‘we had...

January 28, 2006: Heritage’s Jules Reiver Sale

We just returned from one absolute endurance test of an auction – the $8.5 million Jules Reiver Collection auction conducted by Heritage and held at their Dallas headquarters....

January 16, 2006: Stack’s Ford XIII Auction

The latest installment of the John J. Ford collection – the French Colonial Coins and Tokens and Betts Medals Part I – came to auction at Stack’s on...

January 15, 2006: Why should I buy from a dealer?

In our experience, this question is typically followed by a statement that goes something like this: “I can just buy from auctions myself, so I really don’t need...

February 9-11, 2006: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

In what surely must be the unlikeliest of travel stories, we returned from the Long Beach Expo on Sunday flying from California directly into the blizzard here in...

January 6-10, 2006: The FUN Show in Orlando, FL

We returned from Orlando late Saturday night after a nice week at the show and the related auctions about which we make the following observations: Sales were very...

December 26, 2005: The Big Picture

As we’ve had a few days to relax, enjoy the holidays and spend some time with our families, we’ve had a little time to step back and reflect...

October 19, 2005: Stack’s Ford XII Auction

Wasn’t it just yesterday I was sitting in a cramped room breathlessly waiting for Ford I to begin? Actually that was 2 years ago. And so there we...

March 4, 2003: A Little Trip to Bowers and Merena

I shot over to Wolfeboro, NH today for a little lot viewing at B&M and, as it was so out of the norm for coin companies (and life...