Updated: March 8th 10:14AM ET
(800) Coins-99:  7AM-11PM ET EVERY DAY


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May 4-6, 2006: The EAC Convention in Palm Beach, FL

If you like personalized attention, want to focus in-depth on one fascinating and important area of US numismatics, enjoy seeing displays of some of the finest early American...

May 6, 2006: What makes a good client?

Someone asked us this at a recent show and, as is our want, we like to answer particularly interesting or provacative questions right here on the ol’ website....

April 26-29, 2006: The Central States Numismatic Society Convention in Columbus, OH

We arrived in Columbus on Wednesday morning and were one of the few (only?) dealers to stay until Sunday morning, thus not missing a single moment of exciting...

April 16, 2006: Top 10 things we would change about coin slabbing

In no particular order: All slabbed coins would be photographed by the services and would thus be traceable, and it would therefore be impossible to crack out and...

April 6-8, 2006: The ANA National Money Show in Atlanta, GA

First the really important part: Thursday evening I had dinner at Canoe, a restaurant about 10 miles from the show, which had been recommended by coin dealer-gourmet Andy...

April 4, 2006: Do you guys BUY coins for these prices?????

A gentleman came to our table at the Baltimore show a couple of weeks ago, looked in the case for a while, admired a couple of coins, asked...

March 19, 2006: Will the last original coin to leave please turn out the lights?

Heres an experiment for you: Go to view lots at a typical major auction. Look through every box of every series and jot down how many original, uncorrupted...

March 16-18, 2006: The Whitman Baltimore Expo

This week its going to be down and dirty: If you’ve read our last several Road Reports, you’ll know that we are not prone to hype or hyperbole,...

March 10-11, 2006: The Bay State Show & C4 Convention in Boston, MA

We had a ‘quick-hitter’ of a show this time around. Dealer set up was Thursday afternoon, we displayed all day Friday and then packed-up mid-afternoon on Saturday. We...

March 5, 2006: Thoughts on Coin Grading, Part 1

We thought we’d tackle a not-controversial, simple and easy topic like ‘coin grading’ this week. We’ll start with how we, as dealers, grade and assess a coin: Whether...