Updated: January 20th 10:36AM ET
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March 16, 2007: Why are we talking about trains?

That’s an excellent question – thank you for asking. Actually, the answer is quite simple. One of the most informative and important articles I’ve ever read about coin...

March 15-16, 2007: The ANA National Money Show in Charlotte, NC

Make it funny This whole thing started when I left for the Charlotte ANA show. John said to me: “Since I’m not going to the show, you must...

February 22, 2007: Trip to the Bennington Museum

You’re in for an unexpected treat today as I recap my trip to the Bennington Museum (in Bennington, Vermont, of course) to view the collection of Vermont colonial...

February 9-18, 2007: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

Day 1: Another coin show, another of our critically acclaimed Road Report Travelogues begins right now – For us, the Long Beach Show actually kicked off today, as...

Michael Kent Ringo: 05/28/54 – 01/28/07

We lost a good friend and numismatic colleague this week with the passing of Mike Ringo. Most coin collectors and dealers may have never heard of Mike. He...

January 25-26, 2007: The Money Show of the Southwest in Houston, TX

After some extensive advanced planning (which began last week), I decided to make the trip to Houston this week for the 50th annual Money Show of the Southwest....

January 18, 2007: Should Coins be Purchased as an Investment?

You’re in for a treat today, especially since Dave and I totally disagree on this topic. Which means this will be our first Point-Counterpoint Coin Commentary, almost certain...

January 11-12, 2007: The NYINC Show in NewYork, NY

This one was really different. First of all, it was held at the Waldorf-Astoria on Park Avenue on the 18th floor on something called the ‘Starlight Roof’, a...

January 1-6, 2007: The FUN Show in Orlando, FL

Day 1: Our story begins early, no, very early, on New Year’s Day, as we catch our flights from a medium-sized ice storm in New England to 82...

November 29-December 2, 2006: The Bay State Show & C4 Convention in Boston, MA

Put a positive fork in the Bay State Show, which ended Sunday after a fun-filled and very productive 4 days in downtown Boston. This show was also, as...