Optional subtitle goes here
January 5-13, 2008: The FUN Show in Orlando, FL
Preview: It is 5:57 AM here at Logan Airport in Boston – which of course means that it is time for our free FUN Preview which will begin...
December 26, 2007: The Year in Review
As another exciting numismatic year winds to a close, it is appropriate that we look back and reflect on the new friends we made, the coins we bought...
November 29-December 2, 2007: The Bay State Show & C4 Convention in Boston, MA
Day 1: I didn’t get home until about midnight on Thursday, which may explain why I failed, for the first time in recent memory, to get a Road...
November 13-17, 2007: The Whitman Baltimore Expo
Day 1: As promised, our first Road Report from the Baltimore Show (actually from the Stack’s auction) begins right now: It was an early start to the day,...
November 15, 2007: How Come the Coins Went so Cheap?
I got an email from a customer the other day who had been watching the Stack’s ‘Amherst & Waccubuc’ catalog colonial session online and seeing (with a handful...
November 2, 2007: Ten Coins we Could Buy and Sell Ten Times
This idea for a Coin Commentary was submitted by one of our customers, and I liked the idea so much that I just started flailing away on the...
October 26-28, 2007: Coinfest in Stamford, CT
Day 1: Good morning people, It is now 5:23 AM on Saturday the 27th, and thus the perfect time for me to recap yesterday, the very first day...
October 16, 2007: Stack’s Ford XX and XXI and 72nd Anniversary Auction
Part I: (Silence). That was the sound of us trying unsuccessfully to hoist our bidding paddle in the air at what was, apparently, the last and final evening...
September 23-29, 2007: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo
Day 1: Good Morning Readers, Our story of the Long Beach show and pre-auctions will begin not with a bang, but with a whimper. I actually arrived in...
September 10, 2007: So How’s the Coin Market? (Parts 1 & 2)
That’s a question dealers (including us) hear all of the time from customers. And while responses to this question may vary wildly depending on who you ask, this...