Updated: March 9th 9:40AM ET
(800) Coins-99:  7AM-11PM ET EVERY DAY


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June 25-27, 2009: The MidAmerica Coin Expo in Schaumburg, IL

Thursday: Aaaah the MidAmerica – notable for its fine location at the Renaissance Hotel here in scenic Schaumburg, Illinois, and also for the fact that at this show...

June 10-13, 2009: The Whitman Baltimore Expo

Prologue: Greetings fellow numismatist!  (Though I have recently learned that our readership includes non-numismatists as well – ranging from those who like travelogues to people who are simply...

May 27-30, 2009: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

Prologue: It is now 4:40 AM and I have been awake for about an hour and a half, first tripping over the luggage that I arranged carefully right...

May 21, 2009: Review of the Whitman Encyclopedia, Part II

In our last Coin Commentary (gee, time sure does fly around here) we reprinted a review of the new Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins by Wayne Homren....

May 13-16, 2009: The Whitman Atlanta Expo

Day 1: For those of you who complain that we always say that every show is a “blockbuster”, today is your lucky day:  On Thursday we sold absolutely...

April 28-May 2, 2009: The Central States Numismatic Society Convention in Cincinnati, OH

Prologue: If this is Tuesday, we must be off to Ohio for the surprisingly long CSNS show. Amazingly, we’ll have PNG dealer set-up late this afternoon, PNG day...

April 16-17, 2009: The EAC Convention in Fort Mitchell, KY

Prologue: We’re off this morning for what figures to be a fun, though brief, copper-centric show in a place we certainly don’t get to very often, but which...

March 25, 2009: Review of the Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins

Recently Wayne Homren, Editor of the fantastic and highly recommended E-sylum (which, in their own words, is described as “a weekly electronic newsletter published by the Numismatic Bibliomania...

March 23-29, 2009: The Whitman Baltimore Expo

Prologue: It is 3:41 AM, and I have now been up for an hour and 20 minutes, just enough time to pack, eat breakfast, tool around on the...

March 19-21, 2009: The Bay State Show & C4 Convention in Boston, MA

Day 1: It was a full day on Thursday, which included an event at my daughter’s school early in the AM, followed by an extremely painful dentist appointment,...