Updated: March 9th 9:40AM ET
(800) Coins-99:  7AM-11PM ET EVERY DAY


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November 19-22, 2009: The Bay State Show & C4 Convention in Boston, MA

November 19, 2009:  Day 1 Here are the good things about the Bay State Show: 1.   It’s ‘local’ for us, so we don’t have to take a 5...

November 9, 2009: CRO Goes Hollywood!

Well, sort of. I was selected once again to be the official Coin & Currency appraiser for CPTV’s Connecticut Treasure Hunt Appraisal Fair, an annual event held this...

November 9-14, 2009: The Whitman Baltimore Expo

November 9th:  Day 1  It was a typically early start this Monday, as your author woke up at 3:03 AM, put the dog out without getting bitten even...

October 9-11, 2009: Coinfest in Stamford, CT

Prologue: Excitedly, Dave and I are in the last stages of preparation for tomorrow’s start of Coinfest, a process which includes doing laundry, sorting out inventory, unfurling the...

September 27th, 2009: We Have a Winner(s)!

We say ‘winner(s)’ because there are two.  In the first annual CRO "What Does the ‘L’ Counterstamp Stand for on the 1825 Quarter?" contest, that is. We thought...

September 22-26, 2009: The Whitman Philadelphia Expo

Prologue In just a few minutes we’ll be officially on the road (again), heading down to the first ever Philadelphia Coin & Currency Expo (and the associated Bowers...

September 4-12, 2009: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

September 3rd:  Prologue This is when it is really fun for us. No, not the getting up early, packing our suitcases for the umpteenth time this year, saying...

August 31, 2009: CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’

Just 1:  Coin shows we attended. 44:  CRO checks written there. 4 Big Boxes:  Quantity of NEWPs sent out for photography from the show. 17:  The number of...

August 3-9, 2009: The ANA World’s Fair of Money in Los Angeles, CA

Prologue: I know what some of you are thinking.  You’re thinking, “Hey, the Stack’s and Heritage pre-ANA auctions started last week, and you guys didn’t post anything about...

July 11, 2009: The Mentor-ist

More Numismatic Non-Fiction By Dave Wnuck Have you ever heard someone described as a ‘natural’ in numismatics?  I have – usually referring to a person who seems to...