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December 29, 2011: The Year in Review
If this is the end of December, it must once again be time for an epic installment of TYIR (even though it feels like we just finished writing...
December 13-16, 2011: The PCGS Members Only Show in Las Vegas, NV
While most of the numismatic world was out Xmas shopping, or possibly trimming their trees, I attended the PCGS Members Only Show in Las Vegas show so that...
December 12, 2011: Stream of Coin-sciousness
While the weather here in New England has been surprisingly mild of late, business has been anything but. In fact, this has been, so far, our busiest November...
November 15-19, 2011: The Whitman Baltimore Expo
November 15th: Day 1 The good news is that I slept very well in preparation for today’s trip to Baltimore. The bad news is that I was doing...
November 10-12, 2011: The Bay State Show & C4 Convention in Boston, MA
Prologue: Ah yes, after one major snow storm, some extended power outage, followed by some impressive Indian summer with temperatures reaching almost 70 degrees (during which your author...
October 12-15, 2011: The ANA National Money Show in Pittsburgh, PA
October 12th: Day 1 Optimistically, I headed down to the hotel lobby on Wednesday morning, walked briskly out the front door and stepped directly into a fine mist...
September 23, 2011: Stream of Coin-sciousness
Now that we have a few week lull between shows in Pennsylvania, it seems an excellent time to address the following question: Why do we have two shows...
August 7, 2011: An Official Redbook Contributor
E. M. of Farmington, MI emailed recently to ask what that red and white square symbol on our home page means. And since I (DW) have always wanted...
September 14-17, 2011: The Whitman Philadelphia Expo
Prologue Since we just got back from Long Beach, and I have spent most of the time since then unpacking a suitcase whose handle was ripped clean off...
September 7-10, 2011: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo
Prologue: Good afternoon Road Report reader, It should by now be obvious that team CRO was not in California for the festivities (i.e. coin auctions) at Goldberg’s, instead...