Updated: March 9th 9:40AM ET
(800) Coins-99:  7AM-11PM ET EVERY DAY


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September 5-8, 2012: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

September 4th:  Prologue I am pleased to report that this, the first installment of the Long Beach Road Report, is being written from the comfort of my flight...

August 4-11, 2012: The ANA World’s Fair of Money in Phladelphia, PA

August 3rd:  Prologue After months of anticipation, weeks of preparation, hours of sorting inventory and 7 minutes of shoving clothes indiscriminately into a suitcase, I officially declare myself...

July 31, 2012: Heritage Lot Viewing in Philadelphia

I am delighted to provide this Bonus RR about my day-trip to Philadelphia made exclusively to view Heritage auction lots, a previously unplanned, hastily arranged visit made necessary...

July 30, 2012: Ch-ch-ch-changes

Note that today’s Coin Commentary is presented in CRO’s familiar Point-Counterpoint format with JA’s comments in blue and DW’s in red. JA: It is with a combination of...

July 18-20, 2012: The PCGS Members Only Show in Las Vegas, NV

Prologue: After a quick 5 and a half hour flight from New England on an airplane comfortably cooled to 43 degrees in the cabin, I have arrived in...

June 27-30, 2012: The Whitman Baltimore Expo

Prologue: Good morning coin enthusiast! We are pleased to present this the first of five (5) reports from the Baltimore Show (though this one is being written from...

May 30-June 2, 2012: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

May 29th:  Prologue Welcome to this the first installment of our LB RR, a carefully crafted pre-trip summary typed by me (JA) mere moments before I zip off...

May 19, 2012: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Today was an exciting day at CRO (at least by coin-geek standards), as Dave received our grades back on a recent submission and informed me that they included...

May 7-12, 2012: The ANA National Money Show in Denver, CO

May 7-8: Pre-ANA Seminar Good morning people: While our readers may have come here expecting to see exciting news about our flights from New England, or possibly something...

May 2-6, 2012: The Early American Coppers Convention in Buffalo, NY

May 2nd:  Day 1 While it would have been nice to wake up Wednesday, have a leisurely breakfast and then calmly fly to Buffalo, it turned out to...