Optional subtitle goes here
September 18-21, 2013: The Whitman Philadelphia Expo
Prologue: Important travel update: I was informed today at the airport security screening that I could leave my shoes on, which either means that they think I’m a...
August 12-17, 2013: The ANA World’s Fair of Money in Rosemont, IL
August 12th: Day 1 Greetings Road Report reader, and welcome to this the first installment of the ANA World’s Fair of Money RR Extravaganza (which will not include...
July 21, 2013: Stream of Coin-sciousness
After an action packed early summer which has taken us from Long Beach to Mexico to Kentucky to Edinburgh, Scotland, we are pleased to be back just in...
June 19-22, 2013: The Whitman Baltimore Expo
Prologue: Let’s compare this summer installment of the Whitman Baltimore Expo to the spring and fall versions of this event: Size: This one is a smaller, more intimate...
June 5-8, 2013: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo
Prologue: Good morning Road Report reader and welcome to this our 1st installment from the year’s 2nd Long Beach Expo. And so far it’s been just great, in...
May 8-11, 2013: The ANA National Money Show in New Orleans, LA
Prologue: Not that I am not excited to attend shows in other venues (because really I am), but this one is special, taking us to fabulous New Orleans,...
May 2-4, 2013: The EAC Convention in Newark, OH
Prologue: Good morning and welcome to this first installment of the EAC RR written before we depart for this not-that-easy-to-get-to event located outside of Columbus, OH. And once...
April 24-27, 2013: The Central States Numismatic Society Convention in Schaumburg, IL
April 24th: Day 1 As CRO embarks on three (3) shows over the next three (3) weeks, you are reading the very first of what will be a...
March 31, 2013: CRO’s ‘March by the Numbers’
With a mini-lull between tax time and our next show, we have taken the opportunity to crank out another exciting edition of CRO’s ‘By the Numbers’ in which...
March 13-17, 2013: The Whitman Baltimore Expo
March 12th: Prologue After a several week hiatus between shows, I was psyched to wake up at 3 AM on Tuesday, thrilled to drive to the unbelievably crowded...