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March 24-28, 2015: The Whitman Baltimore Expo
Prologue Words are perhaps inadequate to express your author’s enthusiasm for the upcoming Baltimore Expo (the first of three to be held during the year), but as this...
March 4-7, 2015: The ANA National Money Show in Portland, OR
Prologue Top 10 reasons we are excited to attend the ANA Show in Portland this week: We haven’t had a show here since 2011. Actually, we haven’t had...
February 6, 2015: CRO’s View of the Donald Partrick Collection, Part I
Forthwith we are pleased to present our usual CRO-style review of the Donald G. Partrick Collection, Part I, which was auctioned by Heritage at the FUN Show this...
January 28-31, 2015: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo
Prologue: I’m not a meterologist, but I have concluded after carefully analyzing a decades worth of weather data that the absolute best way to predict a blizzard in...
January 7-10, 2015: The FUN Show in Orlando, FL
Prologue: Ladies and Gentleman: Welcome to your 2015 Numismatic Year! And what better way to kick-off the new year than to attend the FUN Show in Orlando, where...
January 1, 2015: CRO’s Numismatic New Year’s Resolutions
After considerable thought, here’s what we’ve come up with: Develop a better system to track global numismatic auctions this year so we don’t miss anything good. Don’t buy...
December 31, 2014: The Year in Review
As we stride confidently toward the end of another exciting year here at CRO it is time for us to pause briefly, reflect on the past year and...
November 16, 2014: CRO’s View of the Eric Newman Collection, Part V
As a continuation of our May 17th Commentary on the Eric Newman colonial auction Part IV, we are pleased to add our thoughts on the recently concluded colonial...
August 31st, 2014: CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’
Right before the exciting start of another school year here in New England, it is, yes, time for another installment of CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’ in which...
October 29-November 1, 2014: The Whitman Baltimore Expo
Prologue With the greatest of ease and not so much as one travel hiccup, misstep, misshap, lost bag, delay, detainment or quarantine, we have arrived in Baltimore once...