Updated: March 10th 1:14PM ET
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December 3-5, 2015: The Houston Money Show

Prologue Good morning coin enthusiast, and welcome to this the first Houston Show RR we’ve written since 2007 (that being the last time we attended this non-regularly scheduled...

November 5-7, 2015: The Whitman Baltimore Expo

Prologue: I have to say we are as enthusiastic as ever about this event, partly because it’s always a great show in this venue, partly because this fall...

October 31, 2015: October by the Numbers

As we remove our thick, pancake Halloween makeup and neatly fold and put away our usual B. Max Mehl costume, it is time for another installment of CRO’s...

September 16-19, 2015: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

Prologue: Hard to believe it’s been a month since our last event, but a quick perusal of the calendar (remove it from the wall, flip to August, turn...

August 10-15, 2015: The ANA World’s Fair of Money in Chicago, IL

Prologue Well, it’s here, the year’s largest and best attended coin show, the one that always seems to have the coolest displays, largest number of auctions, most interesting...

July 15-18, 2015: The Whitman Baltimore Expo

Prologue: Welcome coin blog enthusiast to this pre-show, palate teasing, amuse-bouche edition of the RR designed to set the stage for the summer edition of the Baltimore Expo...

June 3-6, 2015: The Long Beach Coin & Currency Expo

June 3rd:  Day 1 Having arrived in Southern California late on Tuesday evening, your author hit the ground running on Wednesday. By which I mean walking slowly to...

April 30-May 3, 2015: The EAC Convention in Irving, TX

Prologue: Rest easy and be calm CRO website visitor, we are back from our extended, non-work-related tour of Italy (during which your author ate 63 arancini and at...

April 9-11, 2015: The Chicago International Coin Fair in Rosemont, IL

Prologue: Aah yes, the CICIF show, CRO’s once annual opportunity to formally and completely devote ourselves to the ‘Dark Side’ (as in world coins, you know, the ones made...

March 30, 2015: CRO’s View of the Kendall Foundation Collection

For the second time in just two months, we are delighted to find ourselves in the position of recapping another major colonial-centric auction containing another, ho hum, half...