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Updated: March 22nd 1:22PM ET
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Coin Commentary

Our Opinions on All Things Numismatic

March 1, 2025: Collecting Colonial and Early American Coins


At shows and online, a lot of collectors tell us they have an interest in colonial and early American coins, but often say that they don’t know much about them, they don’t know where to begin or how to go about it. So it seems like a good time for a primer on this topic.

First, I would say there are of course as many different ways to collect these coins as there are collectors. Some collect by type, some focus on one series, some dive into die varieties, some really, really dive into die varieties, etc. My personal preference in early American issues is to collect by major type, where you can you have a variety of coins with vastly different motifs, from different origins, in different sizes, struck in different metallic compositions and, in total, present an historically significant and visually compelling display.

But rather than have a conceptual discussion, I thought it would be interesting to assemble a potential 12-coin basic colonial and early American type set including popular and significant issues and illustrated using coins in generally obtainable grades that we have previously owned:

A Pillar Dollar
Struck from 1732-1772, at the colonial Spanish mints in Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Chile and Colombia, Pillar Dollars (actually denominated as 8 Reales) circulated widely in early America and remained legal tender in the USA until the amazingly late date of 1857 (!). Here illustrated with a 1768-LM JM Peru 8 Reales:

Pillar $

A Pine Tree Shilling
The quintessential colonial coin, Pine Trees were struck in the Hull Mint in Boston (on what is now the site of a Macy’s department store!) circa ~1670 , all bearing the 1652 date of the legislation authorizing their production. These exist in two major types and a myriad of die varieties, and circulated widely for decades. Here illustrated with a 1652 Pine Tree Shilling, Large Planchet type, Noe-1 variety:

Pine Tree

A Virginia Halfpenny
Struck in England for the Virginia Colony in 1773, this type bears an obverse portrait of King George III and is one of a few colonial-era copper issues that can be obtained with appreciable, original mint red remaining. Illustrated with a 1773 Virginia ½p, No Period After GEORGIVS type:


A Chalmers Shilling
Annapolis silversmith John Chalmers produced this private issue coinage with government approval in 1783 to replace the often underweight fractional currency then in use. With a classic design featuring two birds fighting over a worm on the obverse while a snake waits ominously on the other side of a hedge, generally interpreted as a warning for the states to stop fighting amongst themselves while danger lurks nearby (likely in the form of England). Here illustrated with a 1783 Chalmers Shilling, Short Worm type.


A Nova Constellatio Copper
A distinctive and popular issue, Nova Constellatio tokens were believed to have been struck in England, but were known to have circulated in early America. The obverse legend translates as “The New Constellation” (referring to the fledgling United States) surrounding an all-seeing eye, with US on the reverse surrounded by Liberty and Justice. Illustrated with this 1785 Nova Constellatio, Pointed Rays, Script US, Crosby 4-C variety.

Nova Con

A Massachusetts Cent
These copper coins were authorized by the Massachusetts state government and struck in 1787-88, in several major types and in many die varieties, all bearing the obverse portrait of an Indian as seen on the state seal. Massachusetts coinage adhered to the federal resolution of July 6, 1785 which established a ratio of 100 cents to the Spanish 8 Reales and was thus the first early American issue to bear the word CENT. Here illustrated with this 1788 Massachusetts 1¢, Period After MASSACHUSETTS variety:

Massachusetts Cent

An Immunis Columbia Copper
A neat type originally thought to have been struck as a pattern for a national issue, but later research (and the existence of many well circulated examples) indicates this was almost certainly a regular issue coin. With an early depiction of Liberty seated on the obverse holding the scales of justice and surrounded by the legend translated as “America Immune” (either from taxation, or possibly the burdens of the world, i.e. ‘free’), and E. PLURIBUS UNUM around a crude heraldic eagle on the reverse:


A New Jersey Copper
Struck in New Jersey 1786-1788, in nearly 150 different varieties, with all but a few rare patterns bearing a horse head above a plow surrounded by NOVA CÆSAREA (Latin for New Jersey) on the obverse, and E. PLURIBUS UNUM around a shield on the reverse. Here illustrated with this 1787 New Jersey Copper, Outlined Shield type, Maris 48-g variety:

New Jersey

A Vermont Landscape Copper
Struck in Vermont in 1785-1786, in three major types and multiple die varieties, all featuring a charming Green Mountain landscape scene unlike anything else in the American series on the obverse, and the all-seeing eye surrounded by STELLA QUARTA DECIMA (translated as The 14th Star), referring to Vermont’s desire to become the fourteenth state. Here illustrated with a 1786 Vermont VERMONTENSIUM type, Ryder-7 variety:


A Bar Copper
One of the most famous and popular colonial era issues, these were likely struck in England, and were specifically mentioned in the November 12, 1785 edition of the New Jersey Gazette as circulating in New York. With the obverse and reverse motifs both borrowed from the designs of Continental Army buttons, with an interlocking USA on the obverse, and 13 bars representing the colonies on the reverse:


A 1791 Washington Cent
Washington Cents were struck in 1791 in two major types as patterns for a circulating national coin, but this design was said to have been rejected by George Washington as too monarchial. Here illustrated with a 1791 Washington 1¢, Small Eagle type:


A Fugio 1¢
Now recognized as the first United States coin, Fugios were struck in 1787 in many major types and more than 50 die varieties using designs by Benjamin Franklin. The obverse is a rebus with a sundial representing time and FUGIO (Latin for I Fly), above the legend MIND YOUR BUSINESS meaning time flies, so stay on task. The 13 reverse rings represent the colonies surrounding STATES UNITED with WE ARE ONE within. Represented here by this 1787 Fugio 1¢, 8 Pointed Stars type, Newman 15-Y variety:

Fugio 8Pt

While we are describing this set as “basic”, completing it with original, problem free coins of the quality illustrated here would not be easy, and would require careful searching and patience. This same set could of course also be built in lower, more affordable grades, and also in superb gem condition, though those coins are typically fiercely contested and very expensive (with some of those viewable in Our Archive).

In whatever grade, the next steps (if one so desired) could be to expand this set to include other colonial and early American issues, some of which are fairly readily obtainable, and others that are very rare and infrequently seen.

Perhaps we’ll illustrate that in an upcoming Coin Commentary . . .

Coin Commentary Archive

January 31, 2025: Stream of Coin-sciousness

The first few weeks of every numismatic year are always exciting for us, with two big shows back to back, some typically exhausting travel, a lotta late nights...

December 31, 2024: The Year in Review

I can’t hardly believe that it is the end of the year already, since it seems like just yesterday your author was indiscriminately shoving clothes into a suitcase...

November 28, 2024: Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you to all of our loyal customers for allowing us to do this all day, every day, for 20+ years now, including on holidays (like...

September 2, 2024: Great Moments in CRO

#1. The Denarium We thought we start a new series of articles on the site in which we describe in detail a great moment in the history of...

July 1, 2024: CRO’s ‘June by the Numbers’

We are delighted to present yet another installment of CRO’s ‘June by the Numbers’ in which we highlight the month numerically starting right now: Two: Shows we attended,...

June 6, 2024: Stream of Coin-sciousness

We continue to be amazed and dismayed (dismazed?) at the coin show schedule which has us extremely busy for the first 3 months of the year, and then...

December 31, 2023: The Year in Review

Wow.  That was quite a year.  Starting with a flight to Orlando for the FUN show waaaaay back on January 3rd, and culminating with the very last order...

July 31, 2023: CRO’s ‘July by the Numbers’

Great news everyone, it’s time to summarize the month of July numerically starting right now: Two:  Coin shows attended this month, though I merely walked the floor at...

January 28, 2023: Stream of Coin-sciousness

As is the case every year at CRO, we come roaring out of the gate after New Year’s Day with a trip down to the FUN show in...

December 31, 2022: The Year in Review

It seems like every year the end of December comes at us faster and faster, which of course means two important things: We will be leaving for the...

November 30, 2022: CRO’s ‘November by the Numbers’

We are delighted to numerically summarize the month of November (or Novembuh, as we say here in Massachusetts) right now: None:  Airplanes boarded this month, and thus a...

July 28, 2022: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Uncharted territory. Would be a good way to describe the situation we have found ourselves in here in late July.  At a time of year we would normally...

June 30, 2022: CRO’s ‘June by the Numbers’

Hey everyone – it’s time to numerically recap the month of June here at CRO starting right now: None:  Early Bird Notifications sent out.  With our previous one...

April 11, 2022: Stream of Coin-sciousness

With the recent re-classification of Fugios by PCGS as “Federal Contract Coinage” and thus part of a US type set, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in interest in...

December 31, 2021: The Year in Review

2021:  The Return to Normalcy! Is a title I wish I could have written here.  Alas, we didn’t quite get there this year even after it really felt...

October 9, 2021: Stream of Coin-sciousness

After being on the road for 5 weeks in an 8 week span, we are delighted to be back home where we can stop eating every single meal...

June 30, 2021: CRO’s ‘June by the Numbers’

Hey, after a long hiatus, let’s do one of our patented BTN articles starting right now: Just one:  Shows attended this month, another installment of the New Hampshire...

February 14, 2021: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Well here we are a month and a half into 2021 and it’s looking a lot like 2020:  We still haven’t really traveled anywhere, all of our regular...

December 30, 2020: The Year in Review

Waaaaay back in January of 2020 we definitely did not anticipate that this is the TYIR article we’d be writing here at the end of December. At that...

November 26, 2020: Thank You!

Thank you! Thank you to our loyal customers who allow us to play with cool coins all day, every day, instead of schlepping off to real jobs like...

September 18, 2020: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Wow.  Hard to believe we are just days away from the Autumn Equinox, but in this most unusual year time has certainly flown. Team CRO, on the other...

May 12; 2020: Stream of Coin-sciousness

By now experts in this sequestering thing, Team CRO has been hard at work running the business as usual and trying to keep the website updated with new...

April 13, 2020: The New CRO Website 4.0

Well, that day is finally here. In a process reminiscent of birthing a hippopotamus, CRO 4.0 has arrived in the form of our new website. Yay! Q:  4.0?...

March 16, 2020: Coin Collecting in an Uncertain World, Part 2

Remember Part 1?  Congrats on an excellent memory if you do, since we posted that Coin Commentary waaaay back in October of 2008(!). The uncertainty referenced back then was...

December 30, 2019: The Year in Review

Faster and faster every year we find ourselves racing toward Dec. 31st, and with it, of course, the publication of our annual TYIR article during which we recap...

August 27, 2019: In Memory of My Friend Michael Luck

CRO lost a close friend of the firm a few days ago. Michael Luck, long time customer, advisor and numismatic savant is no longer with us. I first...

August 12, 2019: Stream of Coin-sciousness ANA Edition

After a too-long hiatus since our last major event in June, the pre-pre-show anticipation of the upcoming ANA has been in full force for about 10 days now,...

May 31, 2019: CRO’s ‘May by the Numbers’

Don’t look now, but it’s time to review the month of May numerically starting right now: Two:  Shows attended this month, the EAC show and the PCGS Members...

April 30, 2019: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Halfway through our annual Apr-May coin show marathon, Team CRO is trying hard to keep up with the workload, shrug off the sleep deprivation, juggle the home office...

February 28, 2019: CRO’s ‘February by the Numbers’

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to review the month of February numerically starting right now: 28:  Number of days in the month, of course.  And also the...

January 19, 2019: Stream of Coin-sciousness

After an excellent but exhausting FUN show we returned home and just kicked back and took a few days off is something I wish I could write. In...

December 31, 2018: The Year in Review

Like lightning (in a good way), Team CRO has watched another exciting numismatic year fly by, complete save for one final act:  The posting of our annual TYIR...

November 12, 2018: CRO’s View of the Archangel Collection

Don’t look now, but CRO is about to recap Stack’s-Bowers’ recently concluded sale of the “Archangel Collection”, an interesting, mostly high-end, well-pedigreed and loooong off the market offering...

August 31, 2018: CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’

Great news everyone it is once again time for our annual August by the Numbers article starting right now: 2 SMs and 1 XL:  Shows attended this month,...

March 13, 2018: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Just back from a surprisingly active ANA show in Irving and yet another illustration that we never really know what we’ll find in our travels, what new coins...

January 31, 2018: Numismatics Meets Cruciverbalism

A Guest Commentary by C. Sloan For daily solvers of the New York Times crossword, coins and money are frequently encountered topics. Puzzles are peppered with the crossword...

December 28, 2017: The Year in Review

Just hours away from the glorious end of 2017 and mere days away from jetting off to Florida for the FUN show where we’ll start this train all...

September 20, 2017: Stream of Coin-sciousness

As our regular visitors have by now noticed, we’ve made the move from the sliiiightly cumbersome Coin Rarities Online to the streamlined CRO on the site.  Hey, most...

August 31, 2017: CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’

If this is the last day of August it must be time to recap the month numerically starting right now: Just one:  Shows we attended this month –...

June 1, 2017: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Ah yes, June, the official start of meteorological summer and an inevitable slow down in the coin business. Right? Well, that’s what I was always told when I...

April 30, 2017: CRO’s ‘April by the Numbers’

Great news everyone, it is time to recap the month of April numerically: 4 and a Half: Coin shows attended (one was a wrap-around that started in March)....

March 26, 2017: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Ah yes, April, a generally pleasant month for most people, but always, A-L-W-A-Y-S (for reasons we cannot explain) the most jam-packed month imaginable on the CRO numismatic calendar....

December 31, 2016: The Year In Review

As we rocket toward the end of another epic year here at CRO it is time once again for us to encapsulate, summarize and compress 12 frenetic months...

November 11, 2016: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Inventory update: We’ve arrived at our intended steady-state website offering of about 200 coins (give or take), in the process beefing up a few areas where we’ve wanted...

July 31, 2016: CRO’s ‘July by the Numbers’

With just a few days before we head out to the ANA in Anaheim, we’ve just enough time to numerically recap an especially hot month here at CRO...

May 6, 2016: Stream of Coin-sciousness

You may notice some new social media logos and links popping up all over the site over the next few weeks/months as we leap boldly into the 21st...

March 30, 2016: First Quarter Colonial Auction Recap

Editor’s Note: A slightly modified version of the following article appeared in the Colonial Coin Collector’s Club (C4) Newsletter, but since not all of our website visitors are...

January 23, 2016: Stream of Coin-sciousness

While winter has descended upon us in earnest this month, it has not slowed down the activity level at CRO, with orders coming in at a pretty steady...

December 31, 2015: The Year in Review

Celebratory trumpets blare forth, it is time to once again revel in another excellent CRO year which started waaaay back in early January in Orlando and finished here...

October 31, 2015: October by the Numbers

As we remove our thick, pancake Halloween makeup and neatly fold and put away our usual B. Max Mehl costume, it is time for another installment of CRO’s...

March 30, 2015: CRO’s View of the Kendall Foundation Collection

For the second time in just two months, we are delighted to find ourselves in the position of recapping another major colonial-centric auction containing another, ho hum, half...

February 6, 2015: CRO’s View of the Donald Partrick Collection, Part I

Forthwith we are pleased to present our usual CRO-style review of the Donald G. Partrick Collection, Part I, which was auctioned by Heritage at the FUN Show this...

January 1, 2015: CRO’s Numismatic New Year’s Resolutions

After considerable thought, here’s what we’ve come up with: Develop a better system to track global numismatic auctions this year so we don’t miss anything good. Don’t buy...

December 31, 2014: The Year in Review

As we stride confidently toward the end of another exciting year here at CRO it is time for us to pause briefly, reflect on the past year and...

November 16, 2014: CRO’s View of the Eric Newman Collection, Part V

As a continuation of our May 17th Commentary on the Eric Newman colonial auction Part IV, we are pleased to add our thoughts on the recently concluded colonial...

August 31st, 2014: CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’

Right before the exciting start of another school year here in New England, it is, yes, time for another installment of CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’ in which...

May 17, 2014: CRO’s View of the Eric Newman Collection, Part IV

We recently had the distinct pleasure of attending the sale of the Eric Newman Collection, Part IV (the colonials!), in New York. It was an unexpected pleasure too,...

April 16, 2014: The Numismatic Fall from Grace

Numismatic Fall from Grace: n(y)o͞oməzˈmatik fôl frəm grās.  noun phrase.  Def.:  A numismatic loss of status, respect, or prestige. And we might have had our best ever example...

December 30, 2013: The Year in Review

With mere hours to go before the start of 2014, it is once again time to pause, take a deep, cleansing breath and reflect on the always interesting,...

November 18, 2013: CRO’s View of the Eric Newman Collection, Part II

As our loyal readers have almost certainly heard, seen and experienced by now, last week a significant numismatic event took place in New York in the form of...

October 21, 2013: Stream of Coin-sciousness

In the midst of what has to be the most pleasant New England fall weather I’ve ever experienced (unlike some previous years when we were already shoveling snow...

July 21, 2013: Stream of Coin-sciousness

After an action packed early summer which has taken us from Long Beach to Mexico to Kentucky to Edinburgh, Scotland, we are pleased to be back just in...

March 31, 2013: CRO’s ‘March by the Numbers’

With a mini-lull between tax time and our next show, we have taken the opportunity to crank out another exciting edition of CRO’s ‘By the Numbers’ in which...

January 23, 2013: Stack’s-Bowers Americana Colonial Auction Recap

Aaah yes, when the numismatic calendar turns to late January, it can only mean one thing: It’s time for another fantastic Stack’s-Bowers Americana auction held, as always, on...

December 28, 2012: The Year in Review

Let’s see, with 2012 winding down and another fantastic FUN show just about to begin it must be time for another edition of The Year in Review –...

November 8, 2012: Lot Viewing at Stack’s-Bowers in NY

Hello and welcome to this one day, quick hitting, extra special, bonus Coin Commentary in which we 1) Detail today’s journey to the Stack’s-Bowers offices in NY and...

November 3, 2012: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Time to take a deep, relaxing breath here at CRO World Headquarters as we head into what will be, without any doubt whatsoever, the busiest November in our...

September 15, 2012: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Well, it’s been about 6 weeks since the birth of the “new” CRO, which I hope most observers / collectors / dealers and visitors to the website have...

July 31, 2012: Heritage Lot Viewing in Philadelphia

I am delighted to provide this Bonus RR about my day-trip to Philadelphia made exclusively to view Heritage auction lots, a previously unplanned, hastily arranged visit made necessary...

July 30, 2012: Ch-ch-ch-changes

Note that today’s Coin Commentary is presented in CRO’s familiar Point-Counterpoint format with JA’s comments in blue and DW’s in red. JA: It is with a combination of...

May 19, 2012: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Today was an exciting day at CRO (at least by coin-geek standards), as Dave received our grades back on a recent submission and informed me that they included...

April 26, 2012: The Salmon Classification System for Massachusetts Silver Coins

We are pleased to present this discussion and explanation of the new Salmon classification system for Massachusetts Silver Coins written by Dr. Christopher J. Salmon, author of the...

March 1, 2012: Rosen Numismatic Advisory Crystal Ball Survey, Part 2

As promised, and like clockwork, we are herewith pleased to present the 35th Annual Rosen Numismatic Advisory Crystal Ball Survey, Part 2 for your reading pleasure. For those...

February 1, 2012: Rosen Numismatic Advisory Crystal Ball Survey, Part I

We are herewith pleased to present the 35th Annual Rosen Numismatic Advisory Crystal Ball Survey, Part I, a forward-looking questionnaire sent to a group of numismatic industry heavyweights...

January 25, 2012: Stack’s-Bowers Americana Auction in New York

Just back from our annual pilgrimage to the Stack’s (now Stack’s-Bowers, of course) Americana Sale, we are pleased to present this quick-hitting, no-holds-barred, profusely illustrated auction recap Part...

December 29, 2011: The Year in Review

If this is the end of December, it must once again be time for an epic installment of TYIR (even though it feels like we just finished writing...

December 12, 2011: Stream of Coin-sciousness

While the weather here in New England has been surprisingly mild of late, business has been anything but. In fact, this has been, so far, our busiest November...

September 23, 2011: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Now that we have a few week lull between shows in Pennsylvania, it seems an excellent time to address the following question:  Why do we have two shows...

August 7, 2011: An Official Redbook Contributor

E. M. of Farmington, MI emailed recently to ask what that red and white square symbol on our home page means.  And since I (DW) have always wanted...

May 23, 2011: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Ah yes, there is nothing like traveling all over this great land to attend coin shows. But as much as we really enjoy them, there are occasional instances...

March 31, 2011: First Quarter Colonial Auction Recap

The following article by our own John Agre appeared in the Colonial Coin Collector’s Club (C4) Newsletter, but since not all of our website visitors are C4 members, we thought...

March 2, 2011: In Memory of My Friend Steve Tanenbaum

I am in shock. My longtime friend, token and medal dealer extraordinaire Steve Tanenbaum, is no longer with us. That fact is simply unbelievable to me.  He was...

February 18, 2011: The Local Country Auction

The other day a collector remarked about how we regularly mention Stack’s, Heritage or other major auctions here on the site, but never say “boo” (his word, not...

January 26-28, 2011: Stack’s Americana Auction

January 26th:  Day 1 Good morning everyone. Today we’ll be discussing our trip to Stack’s annual Americana Auction, in which a slew of early American coins, medals, exonumia...

January 21, 2011: Stream of Coin-sciousness

Sales continue to be robust around here, which is delightful, except for the part about battling yet another impressive (or impressively disgusting) New England snow storm in order...

December 27, 2010: The Year in Review

And this one really flew by, as it seems like just yesterday we were at the FUN Show back in January of this year laughing at the valet...

November 12, 2010: CRO Goes Hollywood, Part Deux!

That’s right – it is time once again for a recap of my experience as an “Expert Appraiser” (please – hold your applause) on Connecticut Public Television’s Connecticut...

September 11, 2010: The Colonial Numismatic Barbecue

In one of the highlights of this (or any) numismatic year, yesterday we attended the numismatic barbecue held annually at the lovely east coast home of a serious...

August 31, 2010: CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’

Good news everyone – it’s time once again for our annual ‘August by the Numbers’ commentary in which we summarize our business in the 8th month numerically. So...

June 11, 2010: The Find

Another Original Work of Numismatic Non-Fiction by Dave Wnuck So I’m sitting in the CRO offices one day a couple of weeks ago when the phone rings. On...

March 15, 2010: Corrections to the Whitman Encyclopedia

As our readers may remember, it was almost exactly one year ago when we wrote a Coin Commentary containing a review of Whitman’s then-new Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early...

January 25-27, 2010: Stack’s Americana Auction in New York, Part II

While John did his lot viewing at Stack’s on Friday last week, I, David J. Wnuck, headed out this Monday for the car + train trip into Manhattan....

January 22, 2010: Stack’s Americana Auction in New York, Part I

Good morning everyone, and welcome to this special bonus edition of the RR recapping my one-day jaunt down to NYC for some intensive lot viewing at Stack’s.  This...

December 31, 2009: The Year in Review

In the most vivid illustration yet that ‘Time Flies’, we have now reached the end of 2009, our 4th full year together as CRO and, by any objective...

November 25, 2009: So you want to be a numismatic cataloger, eh?

Well, so did we, which may explain why team CRO is listed in this year’s C4 (Colonial Coin Collectors Club) catalog under the “Cataloging by . . .”...

November 9, 2009: CRO Goes Hollywood!

Well, sort of. I was selected once again to be the official Coin & Currency appraiser for CPTV’s Connecticut Treasure Hunt Appraisal Fair, an annual event held this...

September 27th, 2009: We Have a Winner(s)!

We say ‘winner(s)’ because there are two.  In the first annual CRO "What Does the ‘L’ Counterstamp Stand for on the 1825 Quarter?" contest, that is. We thought...

August 31, 2009: CRO’s ‘August by the Numbers’

Just 1:  Coin shows we attended. 44:  CRO checks written there. 4 Big Boxes:  Quantity of NEWPs sent out for photography from the show. 17:  The number of...

July 11, 2009: The Mentor-ist

More Numismatic Non-Fiction By Dave Wnuck Have you ever heard someone described as a ‘natural’ in numismatics?  I have – usually referring to a person who seems to...

May 21, 2009: Review of the Whitman Encyclopedia, Part II

In our last Coin Commentary (gee, time sure does fly around here) we reprinted a review of the new Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins by Wayne Homren....

March 25, 2009: Review of the Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins

Recently Wayne Homren, Editor of the fantastic and highly recommended E-sylum (which, in their own words, is described as “a weekly electronic newsletter published by the Numismatic Bibliomania...

March 5, 2009: So you’re going to a coin show, eh?

Some time ago a client of ours recommended that we write a Coin Commentary for collectors attending a first show.  So we did (though we’ve tried to make...

February 18, 2009: Notable Numismatic Quotables, Part I

Over the years we’ve heard and read a number of interesting and thought provoking numismatic quotes from a variety of sources (actually, we’ve come up with a few...

January 14-15, 2009: Stack’s Americana Auction

This just in – it was very, very cold in New York. It was also not very crowded on the streets and sidewalks, which might have been because...

December 27, 2008: The Year in Review

It’s time once again for Dave and me to reflect back on another year of traveling to coin shows and auctions, meeting a lot of nice people, buying...

Thanksgiving, 2008: Thank you

Thank you. Thank you to our loyal customers who make it possible for Dave and me to travel around the country going to coin shows and auctions instead...

October 21-22, 2008: Stack’s 73rd Anniversary Auction

Good news everyone, we have for you here a TWO (2) Day auction recap! Day 1: While most of the rest of the numismatic world was still sleeping,...

October 1, 2008: Coin Collecting in an Uncertain World

As usual, we’re going to tell it like it is in our Coin Commentary. You see, we actually have a number of incredibly clever new topics lined up...

August 19, 2008: The Coin Collection at Colonial Williamsburg

I am pleased to present this recap from my vacation side-trip to view the extensive colonial and early American coin holdings (including pieces on public display, as well...

July 23, 2008: On CAC

As some of you have already noticed, a number of coins in our current inventory are now identified as having CAC stickers. And since some of you have...

July 14, 2008: What are Your Choices for the 100 Greatest US Coins?

That was the question posed to me recently by the good folks at Whitman Publishing. It seems they are hard at work on the shiny new 3rd Edition...

May 19, 2008: My Love Affair with a Fat, Old Woman

An Original Work of Numismatic Non-Fiction by Dave Wnuck. Shhhhh. Don’t tell my wife, but I’m in love with another woman. Fact is, I’ve been infatuated with her...

March 31, 2008: An Ode to . . . John Agre(?) by Dave Wnuck

This Coin Commentary may sound nakedly self-promotional, but I’d like to tell the folks out there a little about my business partner and the half owner of Coin...

February 9, 2008: Colonial Coin Collecting Q & A, Part 2

Waaaaaay back in August of 2006 we wrote part 1 of this Q & A with every intention of adding Part 2 eventually. Well, as it turns out,...

January 15-16, 2008: Stack’s Americana Auction

Because we hadn’t quite had our fill of coins at the FUN show, we were delighted that Stack’s had scheduled their annual Americana auction (plus some cool world...

December 26, 2007: The Year in Review

As another exciting numismatic year winds to a close, it is appropriate that we look back and reflect on the new friends we made, the coins we bought...

November 15, 2007: How Come the Coins Went so Cheap?

I got an email from a customer the other day who had been watching the Stack’s ‘Amherst & Waccubuc’ catalog colonial session online and seeing (with a handful...

November 2, 2007: Ten Coins we Could Buy and Sell Ten Times

This idea for a Coin Commentary was submitted by one of our customers, and I liked the idea so much that I just started flailing away on the...

October 16, 2007: Stack’s Ford XX and XXI and 72nd Anniversary Auction

Part I: (Silence). That was the sound of us trying unsuccessfully to hoist our bidding paddle in the air at what was, apparently, the last and final evening...

September 10, 2007: So How’s the Coin Market? (Parts 1 & 2)

That’s a question dealers (including us) hear all of the time from customers. And while responses to this question may vary wildly depending on who you ask, this...

July 31, 2007: How Can You Avoid Buying Doctored Coins?

We recently received an email from a collector who was dismayed by the number of doctored, conserved and enhanced coins in TPG holders in the marketplace. Despite his...

July 4, 2007: Life is Too Short to Buy Ugly Coins

At the recent Baltimore show, I spent a fair amount of time walking the floor perusing the gazillion dealer tables looking for nice coins to buy. And after...

May 27, 2007: The Right Stuff

Is what I saw during a recent visit to view a customer’s collection. He graciously invited me to travel to meet him and view his coins, and, of...

May 22, 2007: Stack’s Ford XVIII and Henry Leon Auctions

We planned to bring home a lot of loot, and that’s exactly what we did. From the 3 PM kick-off of the Ford session through some early Americana,...

April 14, 2007: What should you do with a sub-par coin?

Let’s say you have a coin in your collection that really isn’t up to snuff. And I don’t mean one that is too low grade, or not expensive...

March 16, 2007: Why are we talking about trains?

That’s an excellent question – thank you for asking. Actually, the answer is quite simple. One of the most informative and important articles I’ve ever read about coin...

February 22, 2007: Trip to the Bennington Museum

You’re in for an unexpected treat today as I recap my trip to the Bennington Museum (in Bennington, Vermont, of course) to view the collection of Vermont colonial...

Michael Kent Ringo: 05/28/54 – 01/28/07

We lost a good friend and numismatic colleague this week with the passing of Mike Ringo. Most coin collectors and dealers may have never heard of Mike. He...

January 18, 2007: Should Coins be Purchased as an Investment?

You’re in for a treat today, especially since Dave and I totally disagree on this topic. Which means this will be our first Point-Counterpoint Coin Commentary, almost certain...

December 1, 2006: How NOT to Buy Coins at Auction

We felt compelled to write this week’s Coin Commentary as a sort of numismatic public service announcement after watching all kinds of people buy all kinds of coins...

October 17-18, 2006: Stack’s Auctions

I packed up my lot-viewing psyche, my loupe and halogen lamp, my ‘What would PCGS grade this thing?’ prognostication hat and trucked on down to New York for...

October 10, 2006: Dave Speaks About the Market

Interesting times in the coin market. After an almost unprecedented multi-year run-up in demand, prices and euphoria, we are seeing some changes. Some areas of softening. Some areas...

August 30, 2006: Colonial Coin Collecting Q & A, Part 1

An increasing portion of our business is in colonial coins, and so we thought it was about time for us to speak up. So, where do we start?...

July 18, 2006: One Vote for the ‘Box-of-20’ Concept

We have been around coins for a long, long time, and we’ve seen people collect coins of all different kinds in all different ways, from type sets to...

July 1-7, 2006: ANA Summer Seminar

What could be better than a week of intensive numismatic activity surrounded by other numismatists in an idyllic mountain setting? Well, actually, a lot of things, but for...

June 9, 2006: Once sold, what item(s) in your inventory will be hardest to replace?

Someone asked us this on the phone today and we thought it was an interesting, thought provoking question. Not easy to answer though. Lets see, there is one...

May 26, 2006: So how much of a premium above sheet levels would you pay for a choice original coin?

Lots of people say they want them. That they value originality. That they hate to see original coins stripped and dipped and ruined. And we agree. So how...

May 23-25, 2006: Stack’s May Auctions including Ford XIV

We like coin auctions as much as anyone, but this week at Stack’s was pushing it. We had 4 separate catalogs to be offered in three separate sessions...

May 6, 2006: What makes a good client?

Someone asked us this at a recent show and, as is our want, we like to answer particularly interesting or provacative questions right here on the ol’ website....

April 16, 2006: Top 10 things we would change about coin slabbing

In no particular order: All slabbed coins would be photographed by the services and would thus be traceable, and it would therefore be impossible to crack out and...

April 4, 2006: Do you guys BUY coins for these prices?????

A gentleman came to our table at the Baltimore show a couple of weeks ago, looked in the case for a while, admired a couple of coins, asked...

March 19, 2006: Will the last original coin to leave please turn out the lights?

Heres an experiment for you: Go to view lots at a typical major auction. Look through every box of every series and jot down how many original, uncorrupted...

March 5, 2006: Thoughts on Coin Grading, Part 1

We thought we’d tackle a not-controversial, simple and easy topic like ‘coin grading’ this week. We’ll start with how we, as dealers, grade and assess a coin: Whether...

January 28, 2006: Heritage’s Jules Reiver Sale

We just returned from one absolute endurance test of an auction – the $8.5 million Jules Reiver Collection auction conducted by Heritage and held at their Dallas headquarters....

January 16, 2006: Stack’s Ford XIII Auction

The latest installment of the John J. Ford collection – the French Colonial Coins and Tokens and Betts Medals Part I – came to auction at Stack’s on...

January 15, 2006: Why should I buy from a dealer?

In our experience, this question is typically followed by a statement that goes something like this: “I can just buy from auctions myself, so I really don’t need...

December 26, 2005: The Big Picture

As we’ve had a few days to relax, enjoy the holidays and spend some time with our families, we’ve had a little time to step back and reflect...

October 19, 2005: Stack’s Ford XII Auction

Wasn’t it just yesterday I was sitting in a cramped room breathlessly waiting for Ford I to begin? Actually that was 2 years ago. And so there we...

March 4, 2003: A Little Trip to Bowers and Merena

I shot over to Wolfeboro, NH today for a little lot viewing at B&M and, as it was so out of the norm for coin companies (and life...